Rey Juan Carlos I


Das Königliche Hotel in der Millionenstadt Barcelona -
eine Oase der Ruhe

Als die Welt in Barcelona zu Gast war - zu den Olympischen Spielen 1992 - hat Spaniens König Juan Carlos I gemeinsam mit Königin Sofia in Kataloniens Millionenstadt an der Avenida Diagonal einen der beeindruckendsten Hotelkomplexe Spaniens eröffnet, das Hotel, das den Namen des Königs trägt: Rey Juan Carlos I. Seitdem steigen in diesem Hotel der Superlative Staatsmänner und andere hochrangige Persönlichkeiten aus aller Welt ab und Weltunternehmen nutzen die wohl einmaligen Räumlichkeiten des Hotels und des Hotel-Resort für VIP-Bankette auf höchstem Niveau.

Sicher auch wegen seiner atemberaubenden Empfangshalle ist das 5-Sterne-Luxus-Hotel, das auf einem 25.000 Quadratmeter großen parkartigen Gelände in den Himmel ragt, mit dem "National Architecture Award" ausgezeichnet. VIPs der "Internationalen Association of VIPS", seit Jahren dort zu Gast, haben sich dafür eingesetzt, dass das Juan Carlos I für den "Golden Globe" der VIP-Loge International nominiert und in die Gruppe der ersten "VIP-Hotels" aufgenommen wurde. VIPs der VIP-Loge (VIP-Passeport bitte vorlegen) können davon ausgehen, dass man ihnen in diesem wirklich ausgezeichneten Haus einen gebührenden VIP-Empfang und bevorzugte VIP-Behandlung angedeihen lässt.


Im Juan Carlos stehen zur Verfügung: 2 Royal Suiten, 1 Präsidenten-Suite, 34 Suiten, 375 edel eingerichtete Hotelzimmer. Eine besondere Empfehlung: Auch kurzfristig verbleibende Besucher sollten zumindest für ein paar Stunden den romantischen Garten, das "Garden Restaurant", der temperierte Swimmingpool, sowie das Royal Wellness Center, eine Oase der Ruhe und der Fitness zu genießen.

The Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I was inaugurated by the King and Queen of Spain just a few days before the opening of the "1992 Olympic Games" in Barcelona. This event took place only 649 days after the groundwork started.


Five thousand tons of steel were used, more than 75,000 sq. m. of concrete were poured, and 10,700 sq. m. of glass surface were mounted, just to mention some relevant figures. From all this came out the seventeen 1,000 sq.m. floors, which all border the breathtaking lobby. All this happened in order to set up the most spectacular and efficient Hotel in Spain.

Considered worldwide one of the best 35 Hotels and member of "The Leading Hotels of the World", the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I obtained the "1992-1993 National Architecture Award".


Next to the building, the 25,000 sq. m. of green area display a romantic garden created in the middle of the 19th century, ideal for quiet walks or to practice jogging. The terraces and outdoor swimming pools cover an area of around 4,000 sq. m., where our customers can enjoy a refreshing swim in our beautiful pools. This complex is located immediately next to the Royal Polo Club, one of the most prestigious equestrian clubs in Spain.

With the effort in obtaining a luxury City Hotel Complex, the Hotel has been extending its installations and has become the "Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I Business & City Resort", thanks to the addition of the state of the art Catalonia Palace of Congresses, The Royal Fitness and The Royal Catering.

With the effort in obtaining a luxury City Hotel Complex, the Hotel has been extending its installations and has become the "Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I Business & City Resort", thanks to the addition of the state of the art Catalonia Palace of Congresses, The Royal Fitness and The Royal Catering.

HOTEL REY JUAN CARLOS I, located in Barcelona's main Avenue, the Diagonal, offers a splendid panoramic view over the city and the sea and has an easy access to the airport and motorways to Madrid and France.


There is no doubt, therefore, that for those who wish to hold meetings, conferences, conventions, commercial exhibitions and any kind of social events, the variety of venues that the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I can offer guarantee its success.

There are 24 meeting rooms, designed to provide a wide range of options. Most of them receive direct sunlight and can be divided into up to 19 modules. Some of them have ramps and allow an easy access to automobiles and all type of equipment. There are also indoor and outdoor facilities available for the clients.

The Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I is considered as the centre of all industrial, financial and cultural events that have been celebrated in Barcelona: launchings of the latest models of leading car manufacturers, exclusive fashion shows by some of the most prestigious designers, the best known literary prize, the "star night" of sports, the tourism convention, etc. have captured, day after day, the attention of both the Barcelona citizens, the international press and the guests of the Hotel.

Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I
Avda. Diagonal, 661-671,
08028 Barcelona Spain,
Telephone 34-93-364 40 40
Reservations fax 34-93-364 42 32


2002 Veröffentlichung unter Quellenangabe gegen Beleg.


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